Dear Future Camper

Dear future Vista Camps camper,

If you’re reading this, you may be nervous about signing up for your first year at camp. Or, you may be extremely excited about your first year at camp. Or, you may be wondering if you should even follow through with coming to your first year at camp. Over a decade ago, I had those same thoughts. Whatever you’re feeling, trust me when I say that going to Vista Camps will be the best thing you will ever do. At camp, you’ll meet your best friends, friends you will keep for a lifetime. In your cabin, you’ll be surrounded by kids just like you, ready for excitement and adventure. The hours spent with your friends in your cabin, playing games, telling funny stories, or just hanging out, will become some of your most treasured memories at camp. In your first night at camp, you’ll also be put into a tribe, which will quickly become your family. During your years at camp, you’ll spend so much energy fighting for your tribe - running in superthon, shouting during sing/yell, and pulling water in war canoe - and you’ll learn the true meaning of teamwork and dedication. Your tribe will be there for you through the highs and lows, and you’ll share a bond that lasts a lifetime. At camp, you’ll have brand new experiences. From riding horses, jumping off the leap of faith, or fencing for the first time, you’ll get to try things you’ve never done before, and find out what it is you really enjoy. At camp, you’ll get to indulge in delicious food (chicken nuggets and mac and cheese…) made with Ms. Becky’s best recipes. At camp, you’ll also learn skills you’ll carry with you for a lifetime. Independence, leadership, selflessness, collaboration, and so much more. More than anything, however, you’ll find a home. At camp, you will have the freedom to be who you truly are, and you’ll be surrounded by people who love you because of it. The love, joy, warmth, and belonging that you will feel at Vista will be unlike any other, and you’ll find yourself spending all year wishing for it back. Whether you end up coming to Vista for one year or fifteen, the weeks spent there will hold some of your most cherished memories, and will stay with you for a lifetime.

Future camper, get ready, because once you spend one second at Vista, you’ll wonder how you ever had a summer without it.


Ari Hosek (a proud Vista alum, going on summer 12)

100 Years of Singing the Git Up

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