Where Is Vista Camps?
Vista Camps is located in a beautiful valley along the Guadalupe River, in the middle of the majestic Texas Hill Country. Our camps sit on 120 acres outside of Ingram, Texas, 7 miles west of Kerrville and 70 miles north-northwest of San Antonio on Highway 39.
Are Vista Camps co-ed?
No, Rio Vista for Boys and Sierra Vista for Girls are two separate camps, each with its own program, staff and facilities. We call them brother-sister camps. Despite the fact that both camps are located on the same acreage, all programs are separate except for Sunday chapel services and an occasional evening activity or special program.
Are you a Christian camp?
Yes, although we are non-denominational and accept children of all faiths. We are not associated with any church or particular denomination. We emphasize wholesome moral ideals and the respect for, and appreciation of God’s many gifts and lessons. These ideals are repeated throughout our program, chapel services and vespers in order to help our campers become responsible and productive individuals.
Where do staff come from?
About 80% of our counselors return each summer, with approximately half of the staff being former campers. The remainder of the counselors are recruited by the directors, who spend two months on the road personally interviewing prospective counselors at major universities across Texas. We also hire a few international staff members to work at camp each summer. We feel they add “spice” to our program, plus it is interesting to meet people from around the world and to learn about their cultures.
How old are the counselors?
Senior counselors must be 18 or older and have graduated high school. Most of our staff is comprised of college students and some are coaches and teachers.
What is the camper-counselor ratio?
Overall we maintain a 4 to 1 ratio of campers to counselors. We do not include other staff members in this number. If we did, our ratio would be closer to 3 to 1. In the activities this ratio varies depending on the amount of supervision needed. Swimming, horseback riding and archery would have a much lower ratio than an activity like softball or soccer.
Where can I purchase a trunk?
Trunks are not required to attend camp. However, a great deal of kids do pack in trunks for camp. If you would like to purchase one they can be found here: Everything Summer Camp