Camp Rio Vista turned 100!

Did you attend the once in a lifetime celebration? Check out all the fun we had below! Alumni take a trip down memory lane and scroll through the 100 years below.

Registration Is Now Open!

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Share Your Memory!

Do you have a Rio Vista memory you want to share with the camp community? Send an email to . Make sure you include your name, years at camp, and anything else like cabins you lived in, favorite foods, favorite activities, etc. Feel free to send photos too!

Alumni Weekend Pricing

Stay In Town

We can’t wait to see you! Choose an option below if you want to join the fun but prefer to stay in a local hotel.

Ticket Dates Price
Saturday All-Day Celebration 🎉 Oct 2, 2021 $150 per person
Celebration Dinner Only Oct 2, 2021 $75 per person

The All-Day Celebration includes a full day of fun at camp, plus breakfast, lunch, and the Celebration Dinner.

Stay At Camp

Ticket Dates Price
Bunk House Full Weekend Oct 1-3, 2021 $200 per person
Private Cabin Full Weekend Oct 1-3, 2021 $500 for 2 guests
$100 each additional guest

All weekend activities are included in the Stay At Camp pricing, plus Friday night snacks, Saturday meals, and Sunday breakfast.

Ticket sales will be avalible on a first come, first serve basis with limited avalibility.

100 Years of Singing the Git Up

Celebrate with us