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Meet the Directors

Justin and Diane Hawkins

Justin, Owner/Director
Diane, Registrar/Store Manager

Hey there! I’m Justin Hawkins and I’ve been the Director/Owner here at Vista Camps since 2004. I’ve had the privilege of living at camp my entire life, with the exception of being in Lubbock, TX while attending college… Wreck’Em Tech!!! While there I earned my degree in Business Management and always knew I’d end up back here at camp — my favorite place on Earth!

Being here all my life, I am the guy involved in all aspects of camp. From the business side, to the dining hall, to handing out ice cream at snack, I am here making sure we have the best program for all the boys and girls we are blessed to know each and every summer.

My wife Diane and I get to work together. She’s our Camp Registrar and Store Manager while also overseeing the Infirmary. She’s the BEST hugger around! Diane is happiest when she’s helping others and having heart to heart conversations.

We have three beautiful children, Taylor, Hayes, and Ruth, along with our two dogs, Rio (he’s famous), and Sugar, and our cat June Bug Jones (she rules the roost). Taylor lives for camp and when she’s not in the cabin you can find her at the stables helping with horseback. Hayes is the sweetheart of our house and loves to give hugs just like his momma. Ruth is our youngest but, definitely the wild child of the bunch, and Hayes’ shadow — where he goes, she goes.

Being a third-generation camp owner I’ve had the privilege of seeing first-hand what camp does for kids and it’s amazing to watch how lives are changed and friendships are made here at camp.

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John and Kathy Hawkins


John wears many hats at camp, taking care of the grounds and keeping it beautiful is his true love. His expertise is evident in our beautiful, well maintained facilities and in the dining hall where delicious, nutritious, hot meals are served six times a day.

He is active with the stock show association, and currently serves on the Kerr County Emergency Services Board for District #1. He also served on the Ingram School Board for many years and as president of C.A.M.P. (Camping Association for Mutual Progress). Kathy is a University of Texas-Austin graduate and a registered nurse who has many years of experience as a youth camper. She has worked in the camp office and the infirmary and recently retired from the hospital in Kerrville. They have three children who have all worked at camp. Their oldest son, Justin, now works at camp full-time.

Beth Rumbo

Camp Sierra Vista Director

Hi! My name is Beth Rumbo and I am incredibly blessed to be the Director of Sierra Vista for girls. I believe in the power of camp and the community of compassion it creates. I consider my job a calling to support the next generation of women. At camp, girls can flourish. They discover what makes them unique, they build character and they are fully known and loved for who they are.

Originally from a large family in Michigan, I received a degree in Therapeutic Recreation and Psychology from Central Michigan University. After college, I moved to Texas and met my husband Justin working at a camp for kid’s with learning differences. I started my career in the mental health field and worked as a Recreational Therapist at a local hospital.

I made a career shift back to camping in 2012 when we moved to Vista Camps. We have two wonderfully kind daughters, Makenna, and Lily. Makenna is our sweet social butterfly. She greets everyone with a hug and has a heart filled with compassion. Lily is our spunky ray of sunshine who enjoys telling jokes, running as much as possible and any sort of competition. For fun, I enjoy basketball, hiking, running and volunteering for our local school.

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Sancho Morriss

Camp Rio Vista Director

After 14 summers away, and 10 years of teaching, I am thrilled to be rejoining Camp Rio Vista as the boys camp director.

As those of you that have met me already know, I have a deep love and passion for Vista Camps, and I am thrilled to be back as part of the team. My time teaching has only strengthened my belief in the power of the summer camp experience, and I am eager to bring my new skills and experiences to help make this and each summer that follows the best one yet!

I believe it is important to honor the rich history and traditions that make Camp Rio Vista such a special place while also adapting to the changing needs and interests of today’s campers. I am committed to preserving the timeless aspects of Rio Vista that have made it a beloved experience for generations, while also introducing new and relevant programs and activities that will engage and excite campers of all ages.

I am looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, and working with the staff and campers to create unforgettable memories. Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out with questions, or just to say hello!

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Kourtney and Taylor Broussard

Kourtney, Camp Registrar
Taylor, Vista Camps Director

Hey y’all! I’m Taylor Broussard and I will be assisting in everything camp as well as focusing on staff relationships and recruitment as the Vista Camps Assistant Director. As for my wife, Kourtney, she will be managing the camp store as well as performing the duties of camp registrar. We both have a strong passion for summer camp. Camp has the power to change a kid’s life. We’ve both seen and experienced it firsthand! As a camp alumnus and past counselor, I give full credit to Vista Camps for shaping me into the person I am today.

Kourtney and I are expecting our first baby this March and we couldn’t be more excited! We have an outdoor cat, Skippy, and he does great at keeping most of the critters away. In our free time, we enjoy getting outside and going for a walk or playing pickleball. We are so blessed to be a part of the Vista family!

100 Years of Singing the Git Up

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