Files & Forms
All camp forms are located in your CampInTouch Account. Log in using the same email address and password you used when you registered for camp.
General Information
- Packing List (PDF)
- Internet and Technology Policies (PDF) – Read and review with your camper prior to camp.
- Homesickness - How You Can Help Your Camper (PDF)
- Lost and Found Form
Required Forms
Log into your CampIntouch Account to complete the following forms. If you aren’t as computer savvy as your children, just give Diane a call and she can walk you through it or even send you paper forms.
CampIntouch Forms
- Health History Form
- Confidential Questionnaire
- Transportation Option & Details
- Vista Camps Participation Agreement
- Vista Camps’ Policies
Insurance & Medication Administration Forms
- If your camper does not have Health Insurance, please print out the Parent Authorization Form (PDF), write “Self Pay” on the top, and sign the bottom.
- Please print out and bring with you to drop-off to turn into nurses: Medication Administration Form