How We Build Kids Up

One of the neat things about camp is the balance between freedom and constraints. Everyone follows the same daily schedule. We wake up at the same time, eat at the same time, etc. — the schedule gives the day a predictable pattern, and that consistency makes kids feel safe. Meanwhile, campers choose their own activities and that freedom makes kids feel independent and empowered!

The same thing happens at meal times. Everyone has the same options, but each child picks what they want on their plate. Taking ownership of your life, while living within thoughtful constraints, is an important part of growing up.

Our camp program provides boys and girls numerous opportunities to make decisions for themselves, but we also train our counselors to help children when needed. This summer, let your child find out about themselves in a safe environment that isn’t home. We want your child to build confidence in their ability to navigate the challenges of life, without feeling overwhelmed.

We Are All Unique

We take care to know every camper by name, and to know them as a person. Recognizing that each child is exploring their own unique identity, we cherish their independence, as well as the affirmation and accountability that come from being known.

100 Years of Singing the Git Up

Celebrate with us