Happy Halloween!

Welcome back to the Vista blog! Do you find yourself missing the Vista bubble? Maybe you miss the time with your friends, the beautiful views, or…the wide variety of treats. Ah yes, the treats! From a delcious dessert to a fun soda or your favorite candy, who doesn’t love treats? I know I sure do! What else is coming up that is full of fun treats? Halloween!!! We’ve been getting into the Halloween spirit around camp and we’ve got something pretty spooktacular in the works.

We are going to be Boo-ing our local families in the coming weeks and we want you to join us!! What is booing you might ask? It’s simple!

Here’s what to do:

Bake a treat or put together something festive to share with your neighbor!

Print off a copy of this “BOO” sheet! Click HERE to get your copy!

Sneak over and deliver your BOO-tiful treat to neighbor and spread the Vista love. Be sure to include a copy of the “BOO” sheet with your treat!

Take a picture and tag Vista Camps on social media (@vistacamps)!

100 Years of Singing the Git Up

Celebrate with us