Vista All Over The World!

Welcome to Vista Camps - the ultimate summer hotspot that brings together campers from across Texas, the US, and beyond!

One of the most memorable parts about growing up and working at Vista when I was younger was getting to meet people from all over the world! The ones who stick out are counselors from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Mexico. We even had a few counselors from Kazakhstan who were amazing (Vadim taught martial arts and conditioning classes that were top notch).

Now with my background as a math teacher, and my love for geography I’m always curious about where people are from and how many we have! After camp, I ran a report looking to see where our campers are from, and found some awesome results!

Of course, the majority of our campers hail from the Lone Star State, and the majority come from the big cities. We have more than 200 campers from the Austin area, by far the most of anywhere! Next comes Houston, where we have around 130. The San Antonio area has about 100 campers. The DFW Metroplex gives us around 75 campers!

Not surprisingly, in the Kerrville area we have around 90 campers who choose to go to camp in their backyard at Sierra Vista and Rio Vista! Corpus Christi gives us 17 campers. If you add the whole coastal bend and go a little future south that number pushes up to almost 50!

Our Midland community has been steadily growing over the last few years, thanks to some wonderful families! We have over 20 campers from there!

But hold tight, because we’re not just a Texas affair. Nope! We have campers from all over the United States! The state with the most campers, outside of Texas is Louisiana, where we have around 15 campers! In addition to that we have campers from Washington State, Oregon, California, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Oklahoma, Maryland, Georgia, Florida, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia! We even have a camper from Puerto Rico!

But wait, there’s more! We’re not just diverse in states, every summer is a global rendezvous! Imagine this, our campers get to make friends from Denmark, Ecuador, France, Spain and many from Mexico!

The Vista Bubble has long been the nickname for what camp turns into during the summers. We are a place where campers and staff can come to leave the outside world, well…outside! We can focus on what’s going on here in the now and the present!

Regardless of where we come from, or what’s happening on the other side of the river, we’re all united by the spirit of adventure, and the joy of making new friends here at Sierra Vista and Rio Vista!

What I wish for you, is that you and your campers have memories of people from far and away like I do. I hope you have your own Andrew and Warren (South Africa), Aiden (Australia), or Rodrigo (Mexico). Camp really is a magical place, isn’t it?

100 Years of Singing the Git Up

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