The Vista Yearbook Tour!

Vista Yearbook Tour!

What a great few weeks!

We recently wrapped up a Tour de Texas in order to hold Vista Camps yearbook parties in the places where we have large concentrations of campers! These gatherings were a celebration of the unforgettable summer of 2023. The laughter of friends and families back together again, recollecting on their summer memories was so great to hear.

Campers and families had the opportunity to be the first to get their hands on their own Vista Yearbook. As everyone thumbed through the pages, and pointed and laughed, it filled out hearts with joy, and reminded us how lucky we are to work at a place as special as Camps Sierra Vista & Rio Vista.

We started out with a drive thru event here at the office porch. What was supposed to be a huge party with almost 100 RSVP’s turned into a quick check in, thanks to the unpredictable November weather. Regardless, it was great to see everyone. Even though we all live within a few miles, we only really see each other during those summer sessions.

San Antonio was next! We had 2 parties with a great showing! A huge thank you to our hosts, the Hawkins family (who will be sending 3 campers in the near future), and the Sponhaltz family (who have 2 campers. We love that our presence in San Antonio is large enough that we can do 2 parties!

Austin followed with a party in NW Austin. The Drake family were our hosts, and they had quite the surprise for us! Not only was it a great turn out, but they knew it was Beth’s birthday too! They surprised her with a big cake, and everyone at the party sang happy birthday to her. No skillet though, we save that for the dining hall! Next year, we’ll have to have multiple Austin parties, because we know we have a lot of other campers who live further south that would have loved to join!

We then had parties on 3 consecutive nights, right after Thanksgiving. First was Midland, where the Popino family threw a party that will be long remembered! They are the hosts with the most, and not only had everything ready as soon as we pulled up, but they also reached out to all of their Midland friends and had them come by too!

Our two DFW parties were so much fun! The Morriss family (yep, they’re my cousins), hosted us in central Dallas. The party even ended up going longer because campers and parents both were all talking about their time at camp! We love being around alumni and hearing their stories! The night after central Dallas, we went up to the Steinhorst family in Frisco! We loved seeing everyone there, and after eating some pizza everyone sat on the couches and watched camp videos! Did you know they’re all available on our YouTube channel?!

Our last camp party was in Houston, and man…y’all did not disappoint! Beth and Diane made the trip, and have not stopped talking about seeing everyone since they returned! Seeing you all in the off season makes us so happy!

We want to say a big thank you to all the families who came to our Yearbook parties! Your love for Vista camps means so much to us. Your support and excitement makes these events so special! Also a huge thanks to the families who hosted these parties at their homes. We are so appreciative that you open your home to other camp families in order to celebrate the place we all hold so near and dear in our hearts!

As the holidays approach, that’s a wrap on our yearbook parties! If you weren’t able to make one, we just dropped all the rest of the books at the post office to ship out! Hopefully you’ll be seeing them soon!

We wish you a happy holiday season, filled with love, and happiness!

What do you say we see each other again in the Spring? Know anyone who you want to bring to camp with you next year? Camp recruiting parties coming to a town near you in the Spring!!

Thank you to all our Vista families!

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